Our competence

For us applies:
Rather special
than general.

At GrothmannGeiser we see ourselves as transformers that can initiate positive developments and create something new. Personal contact with our clients is important to us as a full-service law boutique.

It is important to us to stand behind every mandate with all our skills, our values and with full commitment. In doing so, we follow the principle that telling only what you want to hear does not really help. We develop practical solutions at eye level with our clients. With our typical determination, we find tailor-made solutions even outside the box. In this way we succeed in achieving the key advantage for you.

With us there are no fixed teams. Depending on the mandate, the expertises are put together individually. GrothmannGeiser has many years of experience in real estate law, corporate law and industrial property rights. You will receive tailor-made advice in particular for the areas described in the following.

Real estate, planning, construction

GrothmannGeiser accompanies the complete life cycle of real estate. We provide you with the complete legal framework: From the acquisition of building rights, the construction of a building and the leasing of individual areas to the sale of a property. We take care of every detail of the mandate – regardless of whether it concerns large quarters, infrastructure projects or individual residential and commercial areas.

Sustainability is one of our main concerns. In doing so, we are guided by the principle of sustainable development. Since it is beyond our power to provide additional land areas or livelihoods, we have to find other solutions to deal responsibly with valuable resources. The real estate sector, with its energy and resource requirements and emissions, offers a great deal of potential and room for manoeuvre here. 

Our clients include project developers, property agents, family offices, property owners, banks, insurance companies and architectural offices, along with planners, construction supervisors and experts, as well as building contractors and tradesmen.

GrothmannGeiser is familiar with the legal peculiarities of realising a property using planning software (BIM – Building Information Modeling) and also supports you in real estate marketing strategies.

Contact persons

Frank Geiser
Andrea Maria Kullack
Frankfurt o. M.
Prof. Dr. Torsten Grothmann
Ottmar Fuchs
Dr. Bernd Klemm
Dr. Tanja Brunner
Stephanie Anders
Andreas Bittkau
Commerce, media

GrothmannGeiser successfully advises and represents clients nationwide and internationally on all questions concerning commercial, media and copyright law in the digital age. Our clients are often sector leaders in their markets. GrotmannGeiser has an extensive portfolio of legal experience, particularly in the real estate sector, renewable energies, electronic data processing, the food sector, the automotive, seed and planting material sector, the high-tech industry as well as the media and leisure industry. 

GrothmannGeiser provides you with all legal components for a successful presence, online or hybrid commerce, for example supply and service agreements, employment contracts, licence and maintenance agreements, general terms and conditions as well as litigation in Germany and abroad due to late payments or defective goods. GrothmannGeiser implements your claims and concerns in a committed and efficient manner.

Contact persons

Torsten Mahncke
Frank Geiser
Dr. Bernd Klemm
Ottmar Fuchs
Stephanie Anders
Dr. Tanja Brunner
Companies, associations

Nationally and internationally, we establish companies for our clients in the most diverse legal forms and with the most varied capital resources. Should a company no longer fit into the portfolio or be sold, we also provide the appropriate legal solution. 

We support shareholders’ meetings and other general meetings, prepare the resolutions to be passed there as well as the format of the resolutions and put the resolutions passed into legal effect. In the event of liquidity bottlenecks, we conscientiously examine all options from reorganisation to insolvency. In many cases, we create attractive rescue solutions for our clients and thus new perspectives. Sometimes a liquidation also leads to viable new business models.

In the area of associations, we regularly advise the central associations of the respective industries / sectors also in all other association law issues, such as labour law as well as trademark and copyright law. Finally, we take care of the ongoing development and, if necessary, adaptation of the association’s statutes such as bylaws, rules of procedure, contribution regulations or compliance guidelines. In addition, we advise on mergers, liquidations or the establishment of new associations and implement all this for you.

Contact persons

Robert Dreblow
Torsten Mahncke
Frank Geiser
Prof. Dr. Torsten Grothmann
Ottmar Fuchs
Dr. Bernd Klemm
Stephanie Anders
Dr. Tanja Brunner
Andreas Bittkau
Public procurement, contracting authorities

Public procurement law covers all rules and regulations governing the procurement of public contracts and has become increasingly important in recent years. Contracting authorities are public authorities if they are state or municipal bodies (authorities), if there is a state participation in the contracting authority or if the contracting authority operates with public funds. 

Above certain thresholds, contracts can no longer be concluded by private treaty but must be put out to public tender. In addition to the proper use of taxpayers’ money, the focus is on opening up cross-border procurement markets through transparent procedures. Public procurement law is based on the five basic principles of competition, transparency, equal treatment, non-discrimination and appropriateness. Following the invitation to public tender, the formal receipt of offers, their evaluation and the procurement of the contract are carried out. This complex process is legally supported by our offices in Frankfurt and Munich.

Contact persons

Andrea Maria Kullack
Frankfurt o. M.
Frank Geiser
Ottmar Fuchs
Prof. Dr. Torsten Grothmann
Dr. Tanja Brunner
Renewable energy, IT

GrothmannGeiser is one of the pioneers in the field of renewable energies. The basis for this are guidelines for an environmentally friendly and reliable energy supply, which heralds the age of renewable energies. We advise the leading and professional associations in the wind, solar and biogas sector. We take a stand and make recommendations for action on structural processes in the energy industry. In addition, we regularly advise on corporate transactions in this area, such as the sale of transmission grids, energy generation plants and extraction sites for natural resources.

In the field of electronic data processing, we provide legal support for our clients in the creation of software, its protection and its licensing to a large number of private end customers or to major institutional clients such as banks, insurance companies or medical players, including the necessary implementation and maintenance work. Last but not least, our IT competence is demonstrated by our long-standing support of the Zafin Group, which develops and supplies software for banks and financial service providers worldwide.

Contact persons

Torsten Mahncke
Frank Geiser
Ottmar Fuchs
Prof. Dr. Torsten Grothmann
Art, culture

Art and culture are part of our DNA. We not only like to work surrounded by works of art, but also maintain good contacts with artists, galleries, auction houses, private collections and museums.

We deal with questions of art law, copyright and cultural policy issues. Art law is not a narrowly defined field of law. Rather, it is an interplay of different fields of law. There is therefore a similarity with the concept of art itself, which also encompasses various disciplines. In the field of art and culture, GrothmannGeiser advises on transactions of important works as well as the drafting of contracts for the organisation of major museum exhibitions. We also draft contracts for the organisation of exhibitions or festivals and advise support associations of museums and cultural institutions.

Contact persons

Frank Geiser
Dr. Bernd Klemm
Andreas Bittkau